Saturday, December 3, 2011

First College Semester

This year has flown by. It is remarkable how much things have changed, the people I’ve met, the things I’ve done, and the effort I have put into school. It has been a major change in my life but I believe I am taking it on the best as I can. I have learned a lot about myself, and also the people I have chosen to associate myself with.

My classes have been a lot different than I expected. I came into this year planning on easing into things. I knew my fraternity rush would take up a lot of my time so I planned on taking as easy of classes as possible. Class hasn’t been as easy for me as I expected. I thought it would be a breeze to keep a 4.0 the first semester. But now I am praying I can maintain a 3.5.

Turns out most of my learning has come outside of the classroom. I have learned things in this first semester that I will take with me my entire life. I have become independent. I do my own laundry, make my own food, buy my own groceries, pay bills, etc. I have really taken on the role of what it means to be a true adult. Most importantly I have learned what not to do. And how to stay out of trouble. I have learned to never show a cop your fake ID. Never take six beers out of a two story beer bong. Never go into a exam you feel unprepared for. Most importantly never to give anything but your best no matter what it is. Whether it be showing up and cleaning up the fraternity house at 4:30 in the morning or writing a seven page paper. You never know what you what will come out of it.

I guess what I’m trying to ask is. How do you guys feel about your college transition so far. Do you guys have any interesting stories you’d like to tell? Or anything you have had trouble with?


  1. Your stories seem quite interesting. College has been a difficult change for me. I realized that I have to take on some new responsibilities like cleaning, laundry, buying groceries, etc. I know now that taking 8:00 class is not such a great idea. I know I need to be on a regular sleeping pattern. So, I know now to keep going to bed around 10:00-11:00 on school nights. Also, I just experienced my first fire alarm in the middle of the night. So, I guess I learned some fire safety skills in college as well. Never burn popcorn at 2:30 in the morning (I didn't burn the popcorn/popcorn didn't cause the alarm to go off). I say my first semester has been great. I am struggling a little in the grades department. I hope I can manage to get a B in this class!!!! I really need it to satisfy myself and my parents. I made some new acquaintances in this class that I hope to keep in touch with afterwards. Sorry for making this post long. But it's the last blog. I have so much to say but in a little amount of space. Hope you all do well on finals and have a safe holiday!!!!!!

  2. I came into college scared out of my mind. I didn't come up with any friends from back home so it was really like starting all over again. It was intimidating seeing all of these unfamiliar faces in my sorority house, when I should have felt comforted for making fsu that much smaller. But it didn't help, I felt even more nervous and the pressure to make friends was even greater. Now, with the first semester of college nearly over, I feel much more content with where I am at. Similar to you, CJ, I have learned valuable life lessons, not just in the classroom but outside as well. I have learned things I probably don't want to speak of, but they were important nonetheless. I have found out who my true friends are from back home, and I have made some pretty valuable friendships up here; something I thought I would NEVER accomplish! I am finally starting to make a home out of Tally and that is so comforting to know.

  3. I have definitely learned a lot inside and outside of the classroom. I have learned that using your teachers office hours is the key to getting an A in some classes and other classes you only need to show up for attendance points. Outside of class I have learned not to move my car during the week because I will never be able to park again. That college is a lot better than high school but I miss my family. Having good friend can get you through anything.

  4. I have learned quite a bit in the past year. As you have, CJ, I learned waht it means to pay bills and the importance of a consistent income. I've learned that homework is optional, but mentally it should be mandated in order to keep you on track. Teaching yourself is a technique you must know. You need to be prepared for roadblocks, and always have a detour for when they come up. As difficult as college is, it is never going to be impossible as long as you try your hardest. I've learned college has so many interesting people with so many interesting views and from so many walks of life. It is essential to take the time to listen to each one, because they will forever enrich who you are as a person, whether they stregthen your current beliefs or shift you towards one which are more practical. College is all about the experience, so you cannot limit yourself.

  5. For me, college has been one crazy ride. I have had some of the best and worst times of my life during my first semester. Classes that I thought were going to be a breeze turned out to be a lot harder than anticipated. I know that I made a bunch of mistakes this semester, like leaving everything till the last minute and showing up to an exam barely knowing any of the material. I saw this semester as a trial run. Everyone makes all of their mistakes now instead of later down the road. The big thing I learned is to not go out during the weekday. It always messes up my schedule for the entire week and I end up falling behind. I hope these next two weeks fly by. I'm ready for the next semester of college!

  6. I learned SOOOOO much this semester. From academics to life skills, I learned so many new skills and things. I had to mature fast because when I came to college I was on my own all of a sudden. My least favorite part of that is cleaning. I find it hard to take time out of my day to clean my room or the bathroom. I also hate doing laundry. Yes everyone, my mom did my laundry so when I had to do it on my own I was confused. I did stain my clothes from pouring detergent right on them before water. So most of the things I've learned, has been from mistakes. I also think that this is the time that we are supposed to make mistakes. We are really young and just starting out our new lives so of course we will make mistakes. But going to such a big and amazing university, they have resources to help you out. I have learned so much about friends as well. I have also learned what makes a good friend. It’s hard to find real people these days, especial when people are still trying to find their identity. I could go on about things I've learned in college but the most important is.... STUDY!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This semester has flown by and I can't believe it's almost over. College has definitely taught me a lot about life in general. I learned how to micromanage myself into making sure I get everything I need done. I learned that doing most of your paper the night before is a terrible idea. I learn that keeping things organized is the best way to save a lot of time. College also made me appreciate things of my precollege life. I really miss eating my parents' cooking because I'm sick of dining hall food. I also miss driving because I walk everywhere since I have no car. College has definitely put life in perspective.

  9. College is one of those experiences that's exactly how you expect yet completely surprising. Almost everything everyone told me was true. But that makes it predictable. The stuff that was surprising was the kind of things you'd never think of. Like what do you do when you're bored? Its not like home where there's always someone around. Sometimes all you have os yourself. Staying awake is something else I have trouble with. I cannot tell you how hard it is mot to sleep in all day everyday or to not fall asleep in class. No one every warned me of that at all... that's the first thing I'm warning my friends of in hs lol

  10. I agree, college is definitely a lot to handle, especially your first year. I don't have any older siblings or cousins that have been to college to tell me what to expect, what to do and what not to do. So coming in I was a little clueless. I thought the teachers were going to be evil and really boring. But most of mine are really nice and outgoing, which is a big relief. It is a lot of work to do that is for sure! I need to figure out how to manage my time well so I can get enough sleep, study, go to the gym, and make time for a little fun every once in a while. I guess throughout the time we are here we will eventually figure it all out.

  11. I have also learned a lot since I have been in college. I think that the classes are going pretty well for me. I thought that they were going to be so much harder then they actually are. I just find it really hard to balance sorority life with classwork sometimes. I have learned about myself as well this semester. For starters I do not like change so coming to college was stepping way outside of my comfort zone. I went from having my parents, sister, friends, and boyfriend being there for me all the time to having to start all over again. In the beginning it was so hard and I would cry so many nights. I have had to learn how to be on my own and also how to be single again. It has been a big adjustment but I know that it will be worth it. I think that college is a once in a life time chance and an amazing learning experience.

  12. I have learned SO much this first semester. Actually, reading this post is crazy because it seems as though it was just yesterday we were commenting on the first one. I never thought this semester would've gone by so fast. One thing I learned right away was how fast the weeks went by. Before you knew it, it would be friday! For me however, the transition of being a daddy's girl to a girl on her own, was a tough one. I had to learn how to do laundry and learned real quick once my pants shrunk...Classes here surprised me, I didn't think I would get so many Grad students as my teachers, I didn't expect the classes to be HUGE, and I didn't think my music classes would be so hard. Everything I expected college to be was wrong. You never truly know how it is until you experience it for yourself. For social part of college, it's everything I thought it would be. I know myself, so I knew I would make friends eventually but at first I hated being here because I only knew a few people. I'm not used to being like that. But of course, it changed and now I love the friends that I have and don't know what I would do without them! I can't wait for next semester to begin so I can see where it takes me.

  13. I have learned a lot this semester also. But it has been more of random things compared to what most people learn. I still barely do laundry and i cannot cook at all. I've learned i am very lazy and need to manage free time better. Obviously the stuff involving school is important but it is how i pictured it. Mostly big lecture classes that aren't necessary to attend because you have to teach the material to yourself anyways. College is pretty similar to how i expected it to be, and thank god. I love Tally and it is my new home. And as the semesters go by i will learn even more about college life.

  14. Responsibility is something that I have learned a great deal of this semester. You are responsible for your school work, your "home", your laundry, your meals, your payments, your new semi-adult. While I have learned a lot this semester, about being more responsible and adult like, I do not feel that I am ready for that kind of responsibility. We all feel very independent, but we are very dependent. Unless you are paying for your college education, you are still dependent on your parents. I cannot imagine how that must feel and be like to be completely independent. I know that soon, probably within the next 5 years I will need to learn this, I will have to learn how to be an adult, but for now I am just glad to have taken on the responsibility of a semi-adult.

  15. I can't believe how fast this semester went. I thought that it would take forever to get to winter break but time just flew by. I have learned many things this semester. Mostly about the university and where things are in Tally. I can finally say that I know where most places are in this town; I can drive anywhere. I have also learned to take full care of myself. I have been doing my own laundry since middle school and I have always done chores and cleaned the house so I was used to that. But I was not used to feeding myself. Sometimes I still forget that the dinning halls close and I am stuck with ramen noodles for the night. I came to FSU with one friend from highschool and honestly I haven't made that many friends since. In high school I was the girl that knew everyone. Because I was in so many clubs and worked as an athletic trainer for the school I was basically forced to know people. But now that I am here I am not in a sorority and I didn't join any clubs. I know people from classes but I dont hang out with any of them. I dont know, I was just so focused on school that I forgot about the social part of it. I know this sounds pathetic, but I hope that next semester I can start hanging out with more people. I know that as the years go by I will adjust more and more to being on my own. I hope next semester goes by smoothly :)

  16. I have been so overwhelmed this semester. The transition from high school to college has been anything but easy. My classes are ten times harder and I have had to try to juggle a demanding sorority on top of it all. Don't get me wrong, I have had so much fun in the past few months. Unfortunately I think that my fun is going to be evident on my GPA. After this semester, I have learned that I can't do everything and I have to make school my number one priority. I have also learned that engineering may not be the major for me. This semester has been hard but really amazing at the same time. I have learned what sisterhood really is and I have made the strongest friendships I have ever had.

  17. haha this was awesome. I have learned a lot outside the classroom. Living on my own has taught me independence, responsibility and self control. i have also learned a lot from my professors. I have learned valuable study habits, and skills. The first semester of college was definitively a great experience
