Monday, November 21, 2011

Decking the halls too early?

Since we haven't had class for a week and thanksgiving is right around the corner, I figured I would write about something a little more festive.

So we all notice that when the holiday season comes around, stores seem to get a little into it...and by a little I mean A LOT. I was in CVS the other day and I couldn't help but notice that they already had blow up christmas decorations for your yard out and christmas lights along the shelves. I thought to myself, "Christmas decorations...already??" Then, a few days later I walk into the mall and see "Santa" already taking pictures with little kids with Christmas music in the background. I don't know about you but I get super annoyed when it comes to stores preparing for a holiday months in advance! It's not even thanksgiving yet and stores are already decking the halls.

The picture to the right was taken by one of my good friends back home. I have to give Nordstrom credit because they are the only store so far that takes into consideration that decorating early for the holidays is a bit under rated.

Hopefully stores can stop this awful trend in the future and stick to one holiday at a time because it really gets on my nerves.

Next holiday to watch out for: Valentines day in January.


  1. I was really annoyed wen I went to the mall in late October. In both JCPenney and Macy's had their Holiday decorations up. I think that s extremely early to do that. I think those stores do that so that they can get our money very quickly. I agree with you that they should not do this. I commend what Nordstrom is doing. Stores should start the holiday season on Black Friday.

  2. Yeah it is a little weird and annoying when stores put out Christmas stuff in like October! I mean people do still decorate for Thanksgiving a little bit too. I'm not even thinking about buying Christmas stuff that early. Especially considering after Thanksgiving there's black friday to do a lot of that shopping. That Nordstrom picture is perfect. They're starting their Christmas stuff on the correct day! go them.

  3. I think it is ridiculous that stores put up Christmas decorations so early. It is a shame because they are turning a religious holiday into pay day for themselves. I understand they need to advertise but I think they should wait until after Thanksgiving. I am really surprised that Nordstrom had that sign up. It is a good sign that at least some stores have some common sense and respect for the holiday.

  4. I would have to disagree with this. I love Christmas and everything about it. From the fake Santa’s all the way to the stockings. My family always takes down our Halloween decorations November first and we immediately put up our Christmas decorations. We have always been known for having our decorations up early. We have a statue of Santa who is in our house all year long. Surprisingly it fits perfectly in out living room. I love walking through stores and hearing holiday music. It gets me in a good mood for some reason. My family always takes Christmas seriously and I guess that’s why I love it. It brings back amazing memories of when I was a kid and my cousins would all come over. I miss things like that back in the day so the decorations remind me of it.

  5. I like that stores start early! If I could be surrounded by christmas year round, I would be! I absolutely love it! I think that they have to start early because people decorate the day after Thanksgiving. Plus you have to go out on Black Friday to get the good deals. I think it is great that Santa comes to the malls early because it is a lot of work for moms to send out christmas cards with their kids sitting on Santa's lap every year! Christmas is a very time consuming holiday. I know my mom starts preparing in October! So it only makes sense that stores start stocking up after Halloween. Thanksgiving is one day (Not putting it down because I love it too) but Christmas is an entire season.

  6. I also find it annoying that stores start getting in the Christmas spirit so early. People start getting holiday crazy and buy everything in their path. I think the media plays a big role in this early Christmas spirit. Radio station and TV networks start showing Christmas movies so early that people get excited. I agree with Nordstrom, i like to enjoy holidays one at a time.

  7. Decking the halls before Thanksgiving rolls around also gets on my nerves. I know people like to get their holiday decorations, presents and so on and so forth early but I cannot get into the holiday spirit that early. When I hear Christmas music on the radio or see stores selling stockings and ornaments , I a first feel overjoyed. However, once I catch myself humming along to the song I become aggravated and depressed because I know that Christmas is so far away. I just do not like to get all wrapped up in Christmas when Thanksgiving hasn't even come and gone. Do not get me wrong, I love Christmas. But it aggravates me when stores shove it in my face, saddening me, long before the season. I think though that once Thanksgiving passes, I become fully dedicated to the Holiday season before then it is just torture.

  8. I was just thinking the sam thing on my way back home to Sarasota today. I turned on to a certain station and they were already playing Christmas Carols! I had to shut it off because I am in no way ready to get into the christmas spirit. How can anyone be before December!? I was in Bells and thy too had decorations. Guess people just like to feel the love and joy that the holiday brings as early as possible. PS- Screw valentines day

  9. Oh dude I totally agree. It's so ridiculous when people break out the christmas lights as soon as they take their halloween makeup off. Thanksgiving is a big deal! The tremendous amounts of weight you gain, all of the family time you have, the amazing break we get from fsu :) It's awesome and it should not be ignored or put on the back burner. I like the "next holiday to look out for: Valentine's Day in january" haha it's so true. People need to just calm down and realize that these holidays are big for a reason. We need to appreciate for what's coming soon, not in five months...

  10. I was just realizing this the other day! It gets more and more early every year! I have no idea why they feel like they have to start celebrating Christmas before Thanksgiving. Nobody has even put up Christmas lights yet.

  11. I think we all know why these big department stores completely skip thanksgiving... They cant sell you things. Theres no money in thaksgiving. Corporations and conglomerates own all advertising time on major networks and control what we see and when we see it. It makes sense that they would skip advrtising a holiday that makes them no money. The consumerist agenda of america is destroying the wholesome family oriented holidays of this country and turning anything else into something they can rape for money. DOWN WITH CORP!

  12. I also find it annoying when everything is decorated for Christmas and it isn't even thanksgiving yet. With all of the Christmas decorations I feel like we are supposed to be on Christmas break right now. I wish we were on Christmas break right now.

  13. The Christmas coming early thing happens every single year and it drives me nuts! It even happens with Halloween too. It won't even be October yet and stores are already decorated for it. There is no way that I can be in the Christmas spirit until after Thanksgiving. There is still a week until it is even December! Retail stores totally rush into the Holiday Season without any warning. Stores ruin the Christmas spirit for me. It's annoying seeing candy canes on the shelves when you are only interested in buying pumpkins at the moment. I love Christmas but businesses ruin it since all they care about is making profit as soon as possible.

  14. I was just driving down the road and everywhere I look people are selling Christmas trees. Its not even December and I keep seeing and hearing stuff about Christmas. Whether it's walking in to my mom's office and they are playing Christmas music. Or putting up Christmas lights at our fraternity house. We need to learn how to take on one holiday at a time. So until thanksgiving is over I believe Christmas should not even be spoken of!

  15. With you completely on this; it totally gets on my nerves when people do this! However it also gets on my nerves when people are scrooges and take down their decorations the day of or after Christmas. Every year for Christmas we have my mom’s side of the family over. Now my grandparents are getting old and it’s difficult for them to travel. We drove ON CHRISTMAS DAY to see them in Alabama. My dad decided not to go with us so he could get some work done over the break. We weren’t out the door five minutes when my mom realized she had forgotten her purse and we turned around to go home. My dad was already taking down the Christmas decorations. That’s now one of our favorite Christmas stories to tell about my father’s holiday spirit.

  16. I completely agree wiht this blog. I hate when places decorate for Christmas when its not even Thanksgiving yet. It is like they forget that we have other holidays. Yes, I love Christmas and decorating for it but just wait till after Thanksgiving. I am glad Nordstrom's is waiting until after Thanksgiving to decorate for Christmas!
